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7017 books
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  ID Titolo Autore  
FRP00948 4747 Icherisheher Baku Absheron Azerbaijan. Pictures -----
FRP00949 4748 Commission to preserve national monuments: Medunarodni dan spomenika, 18. april. Kulturno naslijede Bosne i Hercegovine i voda Blagaj Velagicevina
FRP00950 4749 C.I. Taneev - Issledovatel' kontrapunkta Aleksandr Rovenko
FRP00951 4750 Stretna imitacija Aleksandr Rovenko
FRP00952 4751 Tourism and Hospitality Withnout Borders: tendencies and prospects of development, Ivanovo, Russia 2013 -----
FRP00953 4752 Tourism and Hospitality Withnout Borders: tendencies and prospects of development, Ivanovo, Russia, MAY, 31 - JUNE, 2, 2013. Programma -----
FRP00954 4753 La Firenze dei russi -----
FRP00955 4754 Gorodskoy okrug domodedovo-territorija effektivnykh investicij -----
FRP00956 4755 Ivanovo State University -----
FRP00957 4756 1930-1960: The Art in the Period of Totalitarism -----
FRP00958 4757 Map of the cultural-historical and natural heritage of Herzegovina -----
FRP00959 4758 Capljina -----
FRG00621 4759 Guttuso agli Uffizi: Il risorgimento di San Pier Scheraggio. Cartella stampa -----
FRG00622 4760 Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov -----
FRG00623 4761 Wonders of Armenia Samvel Gasparian
FRG00624 4762 The Tretyakov Gallery Magazine -----
FRG00625 4763 Festival dell'Arte: in the Valley of Palaces and Gardens -----
FRG00626 4764 Gardens near Prague Castle Jan, Premysl Zacek, Vacek
FRG00627 4765 Malopolska architektura drewniana. Lasser Polish Architecture in Wood -----
FRG00628 4766 The Art of Kievan Rus IX-nach.XII century. Istorija Russkogo iskusstva Tom 1 IX - pervaja chetvert' XII veka A.I. Komech
FRG00629 4767 The Art of the first third of the XIX century. Istoriia russkogo iskusstva: v 22 t.. T.14: Iskusstvo pervoi treti XIX veka A.I. Komech
FRG00630 4768 Martinos Saryan: Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings, Book Illustrations, Theatral Design Alexander Kamensky
FRS02564 4769 Cilicia: Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia Hyak Harutyunyan
FRS02565 4770 Grundlagen der Engfuhrungskontrapunktik. Musicologica Berolinensia, Band 12 Aleksandr Rovenko
FRS02566 4771 Prakticheskie osnovy strettno-imitiatt︠s︡ionnoĭ polifonii Aleksandr Rovenko
FRS02567 4772 Vybojovana svoboda. Vzpominky Hans Kung
FRS02568 4773 La Cappella di Palazzo Ridolfi Zanchini e altri cantieri di restauro several
FRS02569 4774 Kulturno pamcenje blago koje nestaje. Cultural Memory a Vanishing Treasure several
FRS02570 4775 Australians and New Zealanders in Tuscany. La Toscana degli Australiani e dei Neozelandesi Desmond, Stephen O'Grady, Tobin
FRS02571 4776 Be Part of History: Viva hotels - Art in our heart -----

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Life Beyond Tourism® CENTRO CONGRESSI al DUOMO:
Florence Hotel Laurus al Duomo, Florence Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio, Auditorium al Duomo, COMI S.p.A.
A special thank by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation® to:
Paolo Del Bianco, Elleti System S.r.l. di Luca Tozzi, Sanitermo di Fiaschi Giovanni, F.lli Ermini S.n.c.