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7017 books
Page 184/234

  ID Titolo Autore  
FRS02989 5826 Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue with the non profit tourism 'LBT® Model'. 17th International Assembly of the Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FRS02990 5827 Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue with the non profit tourism 'LBT® Model'. 17th International Assembly of the Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FRS02991 5828 Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue with the non profit tourism 'LBT® Model'. 17th International Assembly of the Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FRS02992 5829 Travel and Hospitality for Intercultural Dialogue with the non profit tourism 'LBT® Model'. 17th International Assembly of the Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FRS02995 5832 Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas. A Training Guide Rohit, Vanicka Jigyasu, Arora
FRS02996 5833 Artibus et historiae. An art anthology. Nr 50 -----
FRS02997 5834 Artibus et historiae. An art anthology. Nr 40 -----
FLD00078 5835 Dialog kultur. Russija i Zapad. Mosca, 26.11.-1.12.2005 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00079 5836 Repubblica Ceca, giugno 2002 Viaggio Kutna Hora - planimetrie, fotografie Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00080 5837 Baku, 2005 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00081 5838 Leonardo Minsk, 23-25.6.2005 Odessa, 27-30.6.2006 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00082 5839 EVA - Beijing, 2002 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00083 5840 Album fotografico: Piotr Strachurski, 2004-2005 -----
FLD00084 5841 Disegni degli studenti del Politecnico di Gliwice (PL) a.a. 2004-2005 -----
FRS02998 5842 Privatizzazione e Patrimonio Culturale. Forum Internazionale. Catania, 13-15 settembre 2007. Atti / Privatisation and Cultural Heritage. International Forum, Catania 13-15 September 2007. Proceedings several
FRS02999 5843 Italian Baroque Paintings and Sculptures from the Colection of the Hermitage Museum. Exhibition Catalogue -----
FRS03000 5844 The Nomad World from the Archaelogical Collections of the State Hermitage Museum -----
FRS03001 5845 A Mischievous Eisenstein several
FRS03002 5846 Homage to the founder of St. Petersburg. Dedicated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg SEVERAL
FRS03003 5847 Russian Museum of Ethnography. Guide several
FRG00694 5848 European Slavs and the Poples of Russia. In Commemoration of the 140th Anniversary of the First Ethnograpic Exhibition held in 1867 several
FRS03004 5849 Staraya Ladoga: History and Landmarks anatoly N., Ludmila A. Kirpichnikov, Gubchevskaya
FLD00085 5850 Preservare la città, 2006 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00086 5851 Rotary Firenze Est, 28.04.2010 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00087 5852 Bellanca, 2011 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00088 5853 Cecia Martinez Yanez (Spagna), 2012 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00089 5854 Filippine, 2011 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00090 5855 Azerbaigian, luglio-ottobre 2012 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FLD00091 5856 Maurizio di Stefano, 2014 18/19 settembre 2012 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco
FRS03005 5857 ICOMOS ICORP: Proceedings of the International training course on disaster risk management of cultural heritage, 2010, 5th year, 13-26 September 2010. Kyoto, Kobe, Sasayama, Japan several

© Copyright 2007 Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation. All rights reserved. Redaction adress: Via del giglio, 10 - 50123 Firenze

Web design: Lubos Hazucha Power by: Emmetek

Headquarters: Palazzo Coppini - Via del Giglio n. 10 - 50123 FLORENCE - ITALY, Telephone + 39 055 216066 - Fax + 39 055 283260
No Profit Insitution with acknowledgement by Tuscany Region

Life Beyond Tourism® CENTRO CONGRESSI al DUOMO:
Florence Hotel Laurus al Duomo, Florence Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio, Auditorium al Duomo, COMI S.p.A.
A special thank by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation® to:
Paolo Del Bianco, Elleti System S.r.l. di Luca Tozzi, Sanitermo di Fiaschi Giovanni, F.lli Ermini S.n.c.