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7017 books
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  ID Titolo Autore  
FRP01154 6608 Paesaggi e angeli VI Satoshi Dobara
FRP01155 6609 Paesaggi e angeli V Dobara Satoshi
FRS03591 6610 Second Congress of Polish Conservators Warsaw - Cracow October 6-9, 2015 Jerzy Jasienko Andrzej Kadluczka
FRS03592 6611 II Kongers Konserwatoròw Polskich Warsyava-Krakòw 6-11 Pazdziernika 2015 ----
FRS03593 6612 Convegno Nazionale 140 anni di solidarità e fratellanza nell'Italia unita ----
FRS03594 6613 The Nordic Centre for Restoration in Florence 1967-70 The summary on the 50th anniversary of the flood of Florence 1966 (Centro nordico del restauro a Firenze ) S. Skaug Erling
FRS03595 6614 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03596 6615 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03597 6616 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03598 6617 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03599 6618 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRP01156 6619 Il valore del brand Unesco ----
FRP01157 6620 Saint Petersburg Knoch Peter
FRS03600 6621 Togliatti XXI BEK guide 21 century ----
FRS03601 6622 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03602 6623 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03603 6624 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03604 6625 La Toscana Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRG00756 6626 Flights into biblical archeology several
FRP01158 6627 Architectural monuments of Sheki ----
FRG00757 6628 Esma ONIANI 1938-1999 painting,drawing,poetry Chumburidze Zurab
FRP01159 6629 International Contemporary Art several
FRP01160 6630 Mani solidali Viaggio fra le sartorie Claudio Repek Adriana Sensi
FRP01162 6632 Allegro, Largo, Vivace racconti, fiabe, aforismi, frasi e storie di vita vissuta Giuseppe Fricelli
FRP01161 6631 A tavola con gli usi ed i costumi della gente di Lastra a Signa Roberta La Barca Cosimo Bandini
FRS03605 6633 Il Premio Filo d'Argento Massimiliano Papini Dott.ssa Letizia Giuliani
FRG00758 6634 The Republic of Tatarstan A thrilling Journey ----
FRS03606 6635 Conference Booklet 3th World Forum on intercultural dialogue Baku 18-19 May 2015 ----
FRP01163 6636 Socio-Economic and Spiritual development in Harmony in present-day in Azerbaijan A virtual Round table, 2014 On the eve of the Humanitarian Forum ----
FRP01164 6637 Socio-Economic and Spiritual development in Harmony in present-day in Azerbaijan A virtual Round table, 2014 On the eve of the Humanitarian Forum ----

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Life Beyond Tourism® CENTRO CONGRESSI al DUOMO:
Florence Hotel Laurus al Duomo, Florence Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio, Auditorium al Duomo, COMI S.p.A.
A special thank by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation® to:
Paolo Del Bianco, Elleti System S.r.l. di Luca Tozzi, Sanitermo di Fiaschi Giovanni, F.lli Ermini S.n.c.