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7017 books
Page 219/234

  ID Titolo Autore  
FRP01233 6878 Costume Colloquium III Past Dress Future Fashion Florence 8-11 November 2012 Programma Promo Florence Events
FRP01234 6879 Moi, la Goulette Abdessatar Cherif
FRS03760 6880 Food is Culture 21-25 January 2018 Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
FRG00774 6881 Bahrain National Museum 25 years in perspective Ministry of Culture Kingdom of Bahrain
FRG00775 6882 A Year of Celebrations 2019 Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
FRG00776 6883 Rabat Modern capital and historic city A shared heritage Kingdom of Morocco
FRS03761 6884 La Toscana Nuova Giugno 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03762 6885 La Toscana Nuova Giugno 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03763 6886 La Toscana Nuova Giugno 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03764 6887 La Toscana Nuova Giugno 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03765 6888 La Toscana Nuova Giugno 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03766 6889 La Toscana Nuova Luglio/Agosto 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03767 6890 La Toscana Nuova Luglio/Agosto 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03768 6891 La Toscana Nuova Luglio/Agosto 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03769 6892 La Toscana Nuova Luglio/Agosto 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRS03770 6893 La Toscana Nuova Luglio/Agosto 2019 Fabrizio Borghini (Ed.)
FRG00777 6894 HAN YUCHEN Il Regno della Purezza Cristina Acidini Xiuzhong Zhang
FRG00778 6895 HAN YUCHEN Il Regno della Purezza Cristina Acidini Xiuzhong Zhang
FRG00779 6896 HAN YUCHEN Il Regno della Purezza Cristina Acidini Xiuzhong Zhang
FRS03771 6897 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 'Heritage as a Builder of Peace' - Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Proceedings Part 1/2 autori vari
FRS03772 6898 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 Heritage as a Builder of Peace Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Proceedings - Part 2/2 autori vari
FRS03773 6899 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 Heritage As a Builder of Peace Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Abstract Book autori vari
FRS03774 6900 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 Heritage as a Builder of Peace Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Abstract Book autori vari
FRS03775 6901 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 Heritage as a Builder of Peace Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Abstract Book autori vari
FRS03776 6902 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 Heritage as a Builder of Peace Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Abstract Book autori vari
FRS03777 6903 21st General Assembly of the International Experts 1998/2019 Heritage as a Builder of Peace Florence 1,2,3 March 2019 Abstract Book autori vari
FRS03778 6904 XIV Round Table of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism 'Heritage and Contemporary Culture at the Service of Intercultural Dialogue and Territorial Development' 3-4 March 2012 autori vari
FRS03779 6905 The Best Practices of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco - Life Beyond Tourism 15 years of activity 20 years of committment for Intercultural Dialogue autori vari
FRG00780 6906 Food is Culture 22-26 January 2017 Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
FRG00781 6907 Food is Culture Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities

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Web design: Lubos Hazucha Power by: Emmetek

Headquarters: Palazzo Coppini - Via del Giglio n. 10 - 50123 FLORENCE - ITALY, Telephone + 39 055 216066 - Fax + 39 055 283260
No Profit Insitution with acknowledgement by Tuscany Region

Life Beyond Tourism® CENTRO CONGRESSI al DUOMO:
Florence Hotel Laurus al Duomo, Florence Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio, Auditorium al Duomo, COMI S.p.A.
A special thank by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation® to:
Paolo Del Bianco, Elleti System S.r.l. di Luca Tozzi, Sanitermo di Fiaschi Giovanni, F.lli Ermini S.n.c.